Friday, April 24, 2009

33weeks now... C-section??? Should I??

Salam... I'm now 33 weeks in my pregnancy.. Went for ante-natal checkup at klinik kesihatan yesterday around 2pm...

Doctor xde comment apa sgt...Its time for me to have really good rest/tidor & x payah buat keje berat2 sgt.. Sebab energy da byk consumed for the baby, so dok relax je la.. She still encouraged to have mini-exercise like window shopping so that my muscle tak beku bila nk deliver nanti & jgn lupa minom susu & air.. Hehehe.. O ya, satu comment je, your bulging tummy still x nmpak sgt even da 8 bulan.. Probably its my 1st pregnancy, so ramai yg experience to have small tummy... My weight alhamdulilah, has increased 1.5 kg in 2weeks time.. :) So in total, it's 5 kg increased from the 1st trimester... But, I'm a bit frustrated sebab the ultrasound machine at govt clinic yet to be fixed... Biasala government, kalau satu barang rosak it will take time to be replaced/fixed.. faham-faham je la :( She was confidently saying that I'm still in my 31 weeks... Confused with the gynae at the hospital.. she claimed pulak da 32 weeks last week.. I should be in my 33weeks now.. So mana satu nak percaya ni?? ::sigh::

The doctor realised that I query too much about it, so she advised to get the ultrasound services at the nearest hospital or if nak cepat pegila mana2 private clinic... Nak tahu sgt kan?? Discussed with WN, it seems he took half day yesterday (again), we decided to go to our favourite clinic near to our place later.. Xpela, bayarla sikit kan..?

Laparla pulak lepas check up tu.. Around 3.30pm, we both pegila makan Ampang Yong Tau Foo @ Ampang Point... Lama betol x makan YTF.. WN sempatla jugak fixed his tapak kasut kat tukang kasut tepi jalan... tajam tumit kaki u ni kan..? :P

Around 4pm before went home, we dropped by at our fav clinic to get the ultrasound service.. It was nice seeing the doctor again... So she scanned my tummy thoroughly.. OMG! My baby still in 'breech' (songsang) position... One thing I like about this doctor, she is so detail, knowledgeable & always ready to gv information while doing the scanning... X macam GP yang lain, da buleh dianggap mcm gynae at the hospital.. I can tell that she really like her job... She explained exactly the same like what the gynae used to tell me at the hospital... So its confirmed, I'm now 33weeks in my pregnancy..

Hmm.. Its seems my baby is in breech position, she advised me to get the C-section during delivery nanti, in a way to avoid major complications.. One more thing is that jarang ada baby akan pusing saat-saat terakhir.. Lagi satu my baby's weight is almost 2kg... so da xde space sangat & fluid pon da semakin kurang for him/her to turn around... WN encouraged me to get the C-section so that I don have to go thru with the labour pain.. But, I did shared some experiences with relatives and friends who gone thru with C-section ni, mmg la TAK SAKITt during labour, tapi akan SENGSARA lepas tu... ada yg takes about a month to recover epsc luka dalam perut... To tell u the truth, I was TERRIFIED to have C-section during labour.. Oh yes, my sis pon said the same thing jugak, if the baby still in breech position, its BEST to get C-section instead to have normal delivery... Apa-apa pon.. I will always berdoa what's best for me and te baby.. Ya ALLAH! Kurniakanlah jalan yang terbaik for both of us.. Janji dua2 selamat... :) Sakit ke tak sakit, semua tu tolak tepi... Kalau tak, itu bukan pengalaman kan ?

So WN sempat jugakla tanya the doctor about baby's sex.. Hehehehe... Kali ni the doctor still cannot determine the sex... Puas da dia godeh2 alat scanner tu, with hope the baby will bagi space to look at his/her sex... This time xde keizinan, he/she still menyorok... Anyway, we both were happy to see that the baby is healthy in a complete form...:D

Inilah rupa my baby inside.. da nmpak besar kan??

My baby.. 33 weeks.. :)

We both quite happy for the day.. puas dapat tgk keadaan baby for a moment... Masa balik tu, sempat la jugak WN comment : "U nikan x prnah percaya apa yang I cakap kat u... Kene tunggu org lain cakap benda yg sama apa yang I cakap, barula u nak percya cakap I kan..?" Mesti u all tertanya apa yang mmbuatkan both of us to have such dialogue kan..? To WN, bukannya I tak percaya, is only that I didn't take one statement & jumped into conclusion just like that.. Hope u understand.. Jgn bengang ye..? Yes, I mengaku, u always rite! :D

I decided to cook for dinner... Lama sgt x masak makanan berlauk sejak cepat keletihan ni.. WN pon da lama x merasa air tgn aku masak berlauk ni.. Then, got a call from my oldmates, FD & FS nak ajak dinner di luar, instead of that, I invited them to have dinner together at my place.. So we had a great time having dinner together.. So biasalah, FS mengambil peluang utk meluahkan perasaanya & shared his problem with his 'toot' to us.. apa2 pon, FS, bykkan bersabar.. We always there for u.. :)

So apa lagi nak tulis.. Later at night, ada kenduri bertandang at one my uncle's place in Taman Tun Dr Ismail... Planning to go with my dad, so I will meet up WN later, it seems his workplace near to TTDI.. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Antara umat2 yang aku rindu.. :)


WN taking half day today.. So he had lunch at home.. Sambil berborak, we mentioned abt my elder sister... Ntah tiba2, lepas tu, aku meleret teringat dgn org2 yang lama da aku x jumpa... Di sini aku ada gambar2 mereka yang aku maksudkan...

This is my elder sister-JH... the one who really influenced my life ... never fail to gv her support & encouragement espc when I'm down. This pict was taken 3 years ago, vacation with her & family at KK, Sabah... Masa ni belom jumpa WN lagi... :P

Anak sulung JH... anak buah yg pertama... masa ni baru 2 tahun kut.. skrg da 5 tahun..

Anak kedua & ketiga JH.. Yang nombor dua byk ikut muka aku & perangai pon 'copycat' aunty dia...
Yang kat belakang tgh membongkokkan badannya, tu anak sulung JH.. da besar skrg...

O ya... forgot to mention... mereka2 ni tak tinggal di Malaysia.. My sis married to a Pakistani.. So da jodoh dia... So dia skrg tercampak kat sanala... Sekali setahun la I got to see them... Alhamdulilah she's happy there...

Secondly... My pictures with ex-officemate yg dulu.... antara org2 yang aku rapat... smpai skrg masih lagi contact eventhough masing2 da buat hal2 masing-masing...

good time karaoke-ing... antara activity after office hour bila semua stressed! semua mmg tak buleh nmpak microphone... mcm esok x bule nyanyi..

ni antara ex-officemate yg rapat...

I still remember... I had great friends at my workplace before... macam adik beradik... bila sorang ada masalah, we always cover up each other.. tapi ada jugak yg talam 2-3 muka... but to whom it may concern.. u guys really in my heart... :) wish could turn back the time.. look forward to go to work, walaupon management ntah apa2... :P

Psst: Ada jugak yg xde dlm gambr ni.. saper yg rasa xde dlm gambar.. jgn terasa... sbb mmg xde au simpan..

Of course.. orang yg paling aku rindu... saper lagi kalau bukan my aruah mommy... I dont have her picture this time... Nanti balik umah my dad, aku akan 'korek' album.. Al-Fatihah...

Tuhan Maha Pengasih... aku masih lagi ada org-org yg sayang & jaga aku seadanya.... I dont have to mention it here.. U know who u are.. :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hope everything will be fine :)

Salam all!

really don't know how to start... Its been almost a week I didn't update my blog...

Hmmm.. O yess... I got purging problem last Thursday.. Ingatkan diarrhea.. rupanya gastric.. Sakit tak ingat... Yela everytime masuk je makanan dlm perut , keluar balik... Lembik dibuatnya.. Kesian my baby inside x makan satu hari... So malamnya, WN sent to clinic after work... Kene sound la jugak with WN , because i tak tanya nak pegi ke x clinic.. Aku bukannya x nak tanya, sbb I thought its not really serious case.. & serba salah nk minta tolong :)

So the doctor said its due to gastric.. He prescribed me ORS & ubat gastric that won't harm the baby inside.. I did asked anythng that would stop the purging, but he refused, sbb bahaya utk baby...

Had bubur kosong with ikan bilis for dinner.. Then, terus amik ubat & ORS.. Watched keliwon, then tiba2 rasa penat sgt badan.. terus tido.. dah tak ingat apa2 lps tu... Alhamdulilah... no purging at all through out the nite... :)

I am 90% recovered the next day.. ada jugak buang air tapi the stool is back to normal.. But still x berani mkn solid food... makanla left over bubur yg ada... minum plain water, no other flavored drink for the day... Malam tu barula berani nk makan yg solid.. Had beef lasagna at one of WN's cousin's stall in Ampang Dagang Avenue.. A bit sweet though.. Ooo yess, SB & SE joined us sekali.. WN just wanna chilled out that nite, after an incredible stressed day at the workplace...

Saturday came.. I am back to normal.. Sihat sejahtera.. :) Had lunch with WN's family at the Lake Club to celebrate his parents wedding anniversary... so kene ceramah la jugak by his family sbb kene gastric.. I'm kinda 'kene dera makan byk' during that time... HAHAHAHA! I can see the 'devilish smile' from WN, bila kene aku kene ceramah by his own family.. Suka ye?? My in laws worried la, sbb dok tgk menantu tak naik2 badan eventhough pregnant...

Then, we rushed to Ampang Gleaneagles, to pay a visit WN's friend.. NS.. She just gv birth to a cute baby girl... Armani Dania... CUTE! NS shared her experience during helr labour moment.. ALAMAK... she had c-section... sbb jalan keluar x buka2 for more than 24 hours.. OMG! quite terrifying to hear that... Alhamdulilah both mommy & baby is fine.. Then, when I saw the baby, I was like.. ALAMAK, its gonna be my turn after this... hehehe...

Join balik WN's family for tea at Cozy Restaurant, Ampang Park pulak.. Hmmm.. it's not really a tea.. An early dinner actualy.... :) Had fun seeing them.. My sis in law 'hadiahkan' baby's clothing dua plastic!! I was like.. Kusssssssemangat.. banyak nya... nasib baik tak 'kecek' WN to buy some more.. Thanks a millions... Really appriciate that :)

We went home late evening.. we both just relaxed ourselves after the outing.. buat la apa yg patut.. looking through at the babies clothes yg baru dapat, I did the kitchen cleaning a bit & laundry setelah dua hari terlantar... I saw WN took a nap at the couch for few hours... Then biasalah, look forward for AF7 concert at 9pm...

After watching AF concert, mata celik lagi,we both watched dvd... BRIDE WARS. quite entertaining... :)

Around 1am.. we both got so sleepy.. ready to bed.. but before that.. we had a pillow talk that nite.. WN suddenly shared his future plan... asking my opinions.. He sounds so excited.. The details, I dont have to mention it here in this entry.. Its just both us je yg tahu & of course God is listening to us..

WN, If you read this.. pls dont say anything ok?? Actualy, I rasa sebak when u told me about your future plan that nite .. and.. I did my tears a bit, but u just don't realised.. because u know why?? I wish I could help you, wish I can sama2 go through with it.. U know what I mean.. I wish that I'm working.. :) God has made plan for us but we dont know what's the future holds for us.. For a moment, I can only give my endless support & encouragement to you.. And I want you to know, I just keep on praying to God that He will bukakan pintu rezeki seluas2nya so that everything will fall into place... :) I'm agreed with u when u said our life has been blessed by Him for the last 8 months.. A lot of things that we had gone through and I'm sure that there will be more to go.. Alhamdulilah.. Walaupun tidak mewah, we are doing just fine & I agreed that our life is getting better secara perlahan2 ... kan? I just pray that we will stay strong no matter what happen.. InsyaALLAH...

To all my blog readers, no matter if u are married , or about to get married & not just yet, just wanna share that 'setiap perkahwinan adalah satu ibadah'... lain org, lain cerita & juga dugaannya.. Kalau tak, bukan JIHAD namanya kan? Whatever it is, niat mestila murni & kita janganla putus doa untuk mengharapkan keredhaanNya... Kerana apa yg kita buat semua kerana niat yang satu... ALLAH s.w.t... :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Contraction lagi!

Contraction lagi!

I had it last nite around 3am , it ended by 6am...

Mula2 ingatkan x payah nak pegi hospital during the contraction attacked... But, when hubby called from his office next morning asked me better to go to hospital.. He sounds worried on the phone... Then I decided to go.. Lagipon gynae yg lepas used to mention,kalau ada contraction pegi ER ya..

An oldmate, FD picked me up at 12pm.. planned to go to Bank Negara, nk check with my CCRIS status...While on the way, i told FD what happened last nite, she advised 'Baik Kak Mas pegi check!' With her statement, lagila menguatkan nekad pegi jela hospital tu! Walaupun aku x suka pegi ke situ... Tetiba terbayang muka hubby, mesti dia tgh risau!

FD offered herself to send me to hospital.. After Bank Negara visit, we went straight to Ampang Hospital.. Luckily the traffic was clear & smooth... By 2pm sampaila hospital, ajak FD lunch dulu , then straight to ER... The attendance sent me straight to Wad Bersalin... As usual, the nurses followed normal procedure.. Take BP rate, baby's heartbeat & asked me to passed urine.. Most of them da recognise sape i :)...

Then 10mins later, doctor came (doctor tu pun da kenal muka aku), kali ni dia bawak 2 orang HO baru (doktor pelatih).. One lady & one guy... ALAMAK! doktor lelaki adalah kali ni.. MALU GILE OK! Rupanya the doctor was giving a training to both of them... Tapi tgk the male HO macam.. ehem... gay boy kut...?? I'm confused...

As usual again, the doctor examined me here & there... Suddenly result came.. AIKKK?? cepatnya result da smpai.. Last time aku tunggu berjam-jam... So ALHAMDULILAH my urine clear & xde infection apa2 kali ni... Evrything CLEAR! :) So xpayah aku admit in hospital lagi :D

So doctor kata its BRAXTON HICKS kind of contraction.. so biasala da nak masuk 8 bulan, adala kdg2 sakit perut.. Cuma in my case i cannot differentiate the pattern of contraction, masa kene jangkitan dulu, contraction pattern sama je kali ni.. So thats why doctor advised , pegi je hospital kalau sakit lagi... Lagi satu aku underweight case, so contraction tu selalula ada...

So 3 of them did an ultrasound on me, nak tgk position baby pulak...The doctor said the baby's position masih lagi BREECH (songsang), medical term 'anterious position'... Sepatutnya my baby da 'posterior positon'... sebabnya kali ni da masuk 31 week... Confused ngn doktor klinik kata baru 29 week... Whatever it is, she said, most probbly u akan deliver awal...

OMG!... I got less than 7 weeks to go... So she advised to do the 'harimau' exercise as my hubby used to teach me before to do it in 10 minutes everday.... so that the baby will be at the right position.. Otherwise, baby ok, the weight now is already 1.6kg... O ya, kali ni my baby malu, sembunyi his/her sex... so doctor yet to determine the sex... Aku dapat dgr that my baby sihat, aku da bersyukur...

Then, amik surat discharge.. FD still waiting for me outside... By 3.30pm, everything settled, immidiate called hubby, informed him the status.. he sound reliefed! Aku pon reliefed... Sbb aku OK & baby pon ok..

To FD, thanks for sending & waiting for me at the hospital.. Nnti suruh abg wafa belanja ok??

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weekend break away


Being 'sarat' mengandung, aku beranikan diri jalan jauh ke Ipoh... We were invited to WN's oldmate's wedding at Kellies Castle last Sunday.. ehem.. ehem.. First garden wedding ever being made at that place..

Before that i joined WN's family for a family day at PD, N9... Fun seeing all the anak2 buah joining the telematch... Cute... :).. We overnite at the apartment before to Ipoh next morning.. WN took only 1 hour++ to reach Gopeng tol from KL... He was speeding at 160km/p.. phewwwww.. I just zzzzz..zz in the car.. Tahu2 dah sampai R&R Tapah, where we had a drink & rest there... At the wedding, we all sempatla 'posing' sana sini at that place...

da nak masuk 8 bulan 'ngandung' pon masih nak jalan2 lagi :)

After the wedding, we checked in Hotel Seri Malaysia Ipoh around 3pm... While finding the hotel, WN showed his study place while doing his diploma at Ungku Omar Polytechnic ages ago... Eventhough he's not really sure of the route, but he still remember all the places he used to hang out before.. Nothing much to see at Ipoh, but biasala pegi tempat orang, agak terngangah la jugak seeing it :)

Then, he called his oldtime friend.. AA brings us to the most popular mee rebus in town along with his family.. Both of them were so happy seeing each other.. It was great knowing the family.. Simple & very welcoming family.. Hope to see u guys soon!

On Monday morning, we checked out early.. WN wanted to see his uncle & cousin somewhere in Ipoh.. Then after few hours with them, we went to pasar limau bali in Tambun... we 'borong' about 6 limau bali in total... Nak bagi sesiapa yg rapat le... :) Of course my dad will be very happy to have limau bali, its his favourite...

Lunch at Tanjung Malim while on the way back to KL.. Planned to go Yik Mun's Restaurant, one of the famous kopitiam restaurant there.. Sambil2 tu nak jugak makan pau dia sekali.. But too bad, the restaurant was closed for a renovation... Nasib baik xde 'crave' sgt nk makan pau.. Later we found an interesting place to eat which was reccomended by a group of UPSI's student, sbb kitorg tanya mana nak makan yg best at that area.. So they recoomended one kopitiam restaurant there, Golden Deli restaurant.. So apa lagi i ordered mee curry.. It was superb! I love the fish ball, ada inti inside.. Yummy! Look forward to go there again! :D

Reaced KL around 4pm.. we placed all the baggages & laundry to our house before we rushed to Carrefour Ampang.. Yela da delayed beli barang2 dapur...we spent about 1 hour buying groceries...WN mentioned to visit his cousin yang baru dapat baby last 2 months... So after we sent all the groceries home, we went straight to his cousin's place at Bukit Antarabangsa... Tengok Khadeejah Soraya.. CUTE! His aunty also there taking care of the baby..

Phewwww! what a day rite, but i enjoyed the trip... My baby inside pon agak2 gerak sbb probbaly he/she not comfortable inside because his/her mommy x reti dok diam these 3 days... :D

Later at nite, SB & SE came.. amik limau bali... So they brought us nasi ayam hainam for dinner.. Thanks ya!

So okla... I need to get ready.. I got ante-natal appointment to day at 2pm...

Friday, April 3, 2009

30 weeks in my pregnancy


Alhamdulilah I'm 7 months 2weeks in my pregnancy now.. Counting the days..

Certain changes in me :

  1. Appearance: escp on my tummy, the bulge looks so obvious, its 33inches now.. People will definitely look straight at my tummy when walking in public...
  2. Weight : increased only 3.5kg since 1st trimester.. Doctor said I'm underweight :(.. but its quite challenging bila nak bangun espc lepas makan or bangun tidur... Rasa badan da berat gile ok?!
  3. Tempreture: Always feeling warm & gets sweaty most of the time.. Selalu mandi 3-5 times a day..
  4. Mood swing: All the time, but under control... Can be so extra-sensitive...
  5. Sitting condition: kene ada cushion at the bottom.. da x buleh cross leg macam Tiara Jacquelina :)
  6. Body contour: To tell u the truth, most friends commented I looked slimmer as compared before.. Its probably its the food I'm taking which being monitored by hubby most of the time & all the nutrients fats goes to the baby :) (bukan nak bangga) hehehe..
  7. Leg & feet feel a bit 'bengkak'.. biasala da ada water retention sikit, but not so bad..
  8. Hands & finger, tak bengkak sgt, still can put on my wrist watch & wedding ring :)
  9. Most people did not regconise my self that much.. I wore glasses most of the time.. Lazy to put on my lenses like b4.. of course no make up at all... hehehe
  10. Level of activeness: easily get tired & sometimes can be very fatigue so fast, eventhough buat keje rumah yg tak seberapa... Not active like b4.. Sometimes I forced my self to do a little exercise like morning or evening walk everyday...
  11. Food pattern: Prefer to take bread instead of rice.. Still craving a lots of things like cucur badak, udang sambal, etc... but too bad, most of it I kene PANTANG :(
  12. Walking style: I walk really like a typical 'mak buyong' kaki da tak boleh control ayu macam air stewardess..
  13. Main costume: As usual, always put on bigger clothes, da x buleh pakai ketat sbb cepat panas.. Hubby's old clothes menjadi hambatan utama...
  14. Feeling: Can be so excited sometimes.. Dah nak jadi mak orang kan? Tak sabar nak berslin sbb perut da berat , tambah lagi dengan cramp sana cramp sini... But rasa takut pon ada sbb never know what to expect when the time comes :D
I think thats all for now... heheheh

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Am replying to Hasnah Burdges..


I am replying to the woman.. (you know who you are...) who decided to embraced Christianity.

Hasnah, I wrote it just because I want to express my frustration & feeling sorry for you... You were right, the previous entry was not a complimentary. I'm sorry to say this, I don't need to have a dialogue with you or even to know why, how , where you decided to convert from being a Muslim to a Christian.. I don't want to :) Thanks..

You are not my enemy and I'm not preaching and force you to go back where u come from.. Of course I'm not God to judge or to punish you ....

Hasnah, as you claimed that you used to ask where is GOD in your difficult time, & of course there were no answer/reply given to you immediately .. Here, I have something to share with u & to all my blog readers out there.. While I was down in my difficult days,I remembered someone asked me to recite one surah from Holy Quran, where Allah said/command in the Surah Al-Inshirah Verse 5 -8:
فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا (٥
Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief: (Karena sesungguhnya kesusahan/kesulitan ada kemudahan)(5)
إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرً۬ا (٦)
Verily with every difficulty there is relief (Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan (6)
فَإِذَا فَرَغۡتَ فَٱنصَبۡ (٧
Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard (Maka apabila kamu telah selesai dari suatu urusan maka kerjakanlah dengan bersungguh2 dengan yang lain) (7)
وَإِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ فَٱرۡغَب (٨
And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention. (dan hanya Tuhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap)8)

The sentence 'every difficulty , there is a relief' was mentioned/written twice (2) in verse 5-6. I hope u will understand why do I highlighted this surah to u.. In life each of us as human being (khalifah Allah) will be given a test after test, even though sometimes is just got so hopeless & we dont know what to do next, but the term 'DON'T GIVE UP' was interpreted here in this surah, therefore we should ask /pray/seek for His help & guidance, endlessly.. :)

InsyaALLAH , He will answer to all your prayers in a matter of time.. And for sure, He's testing on your IMAN... :)

I hope this is gonna be the very last entry regarding to u, Hasnah... I will NOT explain or even write about what you should do next in your life.. It is your choice.. It between you & God...

I believed that all my Muslim friends/blog readers are agreed with me, feeling so sorry for u, Hasnah.. I pray that Allah s.w.t will protect you & guide you to go back where you come from.. InsyaALLAH...