Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Memoir of my little knight - Part 2

Sometime in April 2012. I was 31-32 weeks in my pregnancy.

Soon after being discharged from Putrajaya Hospital,  we went straight to my SIL's place in Seremban, since she offered her place utk smntara. If jadi skali lagi xdela trkocoh2 mcm hari tu.

My SIL with a big heart dgn ikhlas offered us to stay at her place. So after discussed wth mr.hubby we decided to stay at SIL's place smpi i selamat brsalin for the sake of the 2M. Begitulah plan-nya.

Mr.WN were assigned to go on a business trip satu semenanjung with his colleagues. He asked me whether he should go on the trip or not with my current condition. I said pegila lagipon bukannya i dok sorang2 kat rumah tu. My in laws are all nearby.

I think about 2 days after he left.

I was watching tv that evening while the 2Ms were busy playing with their cousins, my SIL were busy making homemade chappati with the maid in the kitchen for dinner. I felt something not right. Its the CONTRACTION again!  I just kp quite by not telling my SIL yet. Manalah tahu its just a false alarm. I keep monitoring the timing of the attack. Makin lama makin dekat the frequence pulak. Tak bole jadi ni!

I slowly went to kitchen greeted my SIL. I just smiled at her. Wordless. She got the message. She said let me know when do u want me to send to the hospital. I went straight to the room (actually her dsughters's room yg we all tumpang duduk). Packing stuff apa yg patut as the contraction makin kuat. I decided tunggu lpskan maghrib lps anak2 mndi and makan barulah chow. Masa tu, I ingat lg, WN ada sms-ed tnya kabar and etc. Tapi jari and hati ni berat nak kasitau hal sebenarnya. Fikir org tu kat sana tgh bkrja and jauh kalau dia nak brpatah balik. I just reminded my SIL just inform him  later.

It was a chaos. I saw MIL da smpai to stand by, the 2Ms were crying mcm tahu their mama going to leave them. SIL and the husband quickly stand by in the car, the maid and the 2Ms cousins tgh sibuk2 men-divert the 2Ms attention with hope they wont get to see me if I leave the house. Baik jgn kasi nmpak lgsung.

In the car while we were rushed to the hospital. SIL's car suddenly stopped in the middle of th road. Sikit lg nk smpai hospital bole pulak dia buat hal. I was stunned dont know wat to do that moment. The husband trying to figure out what is happening. SIL being very focused quickly went out from the car and dgn selamba she tahan any car that we can get a lift sekejap. Alhamdulilah, adalah satu malay couple (not so elderly, maybe in their late 40s kut) dgn baik hati they tumpangkan.

As we reached the emergency room at the hospital, SIL rushed to get the wheelchair for me. As she pushed the wheelchair to the labour room while I was on it, bole pulak one of the wheel bole trsangkut at the longkang punye cover (dont know what ppl call it). Finally she managed to pull it out.

... to be continued..

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What more can I say..

Assalam all,

Bn wanting to update. Tapi xde masa. So many things happening eversince I delivered my little knight, Farees. Byk hal n of course satu persatu dugaan yg dtg x henti2 mnduga kesabaran dan ketabahan kami brdua suami isteri.

Kami brdua tidak putus brdoa semoga Yang Satu di atas sana akan permudahkan segalanya. We are all in the midst masuk ke rumah baru. Untuk sementara ini kami masih trpaksa menumpang rumah adik ipar di Seremban.

Segan, segan, segan serta perasaan dicampur dgn perasaan serba salah dgn adek ipar srta biras. Well, I dont have any problems with  them lah bak kata org puteh 'squatting' at ppl's place, bukan rumah sndiri.

Now Farees masih coughing and pleghm. Tadi adalah kali ke 3 hes on nebuliser and on oral with ventoline. Hope he'll recover soon.

Ok wil update more esok. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Memoir of my little knight - Part 1

As Salam... I will have to to summarize the event before and after delivered my little boy, Farees Nokman (FN).  I will start on the week of 24-26weeks of my pregnancy...

We went for 24weeks check up  at our favourite GP near our place. She confirmed that it's a BOY  this time.. My heart was exploding with excitement when she told the good news. Yelah dah ada 2 org anak perempuan, nak jugala anak lelaki...Alhamdulilah Tuhan Maha Mendengar, He kabulkan my doa.. :)

We decided to deliver at the private hospital nearby, Columbia Asia Puchong this time.. Yelah 'kompeni' baru WN cover for the maternity expenses.. Nak la merasa private touch pf services kan...

As I still remember, WN and me went for a shopping for my little boy as the due date was getting close. So we went to The Curve and Tesco Mutiara Dmnsara... Due to long hours of walking, I had a strong contraction after few hours we reached home. I told WN, the pain was quite intense, as if I'm about to deliver...

I cried, sbb saper la yg nak tunggu and look after my 2 girls if I have to rush to the hospital that moment.. Dalam diam , my loving hubby called everyone in the family including family di Seremban to stand by, or anyone dgn rela hati can come that nite.. Alhamdulillah , my MIL, my sister and biras came to rescue.. Thanks to all of them..

At 11pm, we rushed to Columbia Asia Puchong as I did have my records with the Gynae, Dr.S.. But Me and WN was really frustrated with his decision to refer my case to Putrajaya Hospital, as he doesn't wanna take the risk of me to deliver earlier before the due date... Alasannya, the hospital doesn't have the expertise and the facilites to cater with the pre-term baby ( 30weeks).. Arghhhhhhhh!

By 1-2am, we reached Putrajaya Hospital, I was panicked 'kut-kut' the hospital x nak terima my case becoz I didn't have the 'buku merah' with me (Standard government maternity check up book) this time.. Mmg tak buat kali ni sbb sudah plan nak deliver at private hospital.. But as the nurse said, "Takpe Puan, kami terima kes ini dan akan cuba sedaya boleh, jgn risau ya. Sudah byk kes dari swasta refer ke sini".  I was relieved with the response.. :)

As the pain was getting worse, the nurses did the normal procedures and observations while waiting for the doctor to come..  By 3.30am, MO (Medical Officer) came to me and said, "Puan, your contraction is quite strong. So u kene admit ya and we will do the necessary treatment to reduce the pain, kalau boleh nak bagi contraction pain tu hilang terus, kalau tak, the possibilities for u to deliver awal mmg tinggi, so we will try our best for that not to happen". Nak gugur jantung rasanya bila dia ckp mcm tu..

I quickly sms-ed to WN informing that I have be in the ward for few days. He replied that he knew it as one of the nurses informed him and he was at the counter to do the registration. be continued... the little knight awaken... :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Welcome to the world my son!

As Salam.. Dah almost setahun tak update blog... tangan menggigil mengetap keyboard sbb dah lama sgt x menaip.. 

Well readers, introducing my 1st son.. MUHAMMAD FAREES NOKMAN..  He was born on 23rd June 2012. Me and husband gone thru a lot while I was carrying him until he was born.. Been wanting to post a memoir of carrying and after deliver him.. Byk suka dan duka happening during that moment..

InsyaAllah will find the time to write again... while all its still fresh in my head :)