Monday, May 25, 2009


Salam again...

Last week was the horrifying week for both WN & me... Bukannya apa.. dua2 da expect & mentally prepared for c-section.. But God answered to our prayers... Last Friday, 22nd May'09 we went to O& G clinic at Ampang Hospital for appointment.. The doctor found out that our baby's head has finally turned down to a normal position.. Alhamdulilah, no more breech & TAK JADI BEDAH la.. the doctor checked the baby's development thoroughly through the ultrasound machine.. I'm now da nak masuk 37weeks.. One more thing is that kepala baby betol2 da kat bawah, tunggu masa nak engage/lock je.. So the doctor said, skrg ni tunggu masa nak brsalin... Bila2 masa je tau! I was terrified when she said that...

Both of us was so happy.. reliefed & the most greatest word was ALHAMDULILAH.. God is great!

We had quick lunch soon after balik dari hospital... Masa tgh makan tu, I jst got this 'firasat' that agaknya I'll be delivering next Friday, 29th May'09.. I told WN about it.. But his feeling saying its gonna be earlier than that. Takpe kita tunggu.. Hehehehe..

Then, later dalam pukul 4.30ptg.. we planned to meet up my bapak angkat, Pak Ungku.. da lama plan nak jumpa dia, but seems dia always out of town lately... So rezeki SB & WN's friend, BK dapat jumpa bapak & pegi berubat 'spritually' ... terubat rindu bila jumpa bapak & ibu.. the last time I see them masa 3-4 months ago.. Lama jugak berubat, sb ramai patient, we finished abot 9pm.... Itupon bapak insisted us to come that Friday jugak, sbb kalau pegi Sabtu or Ahad, byk patient datang secara 'walk-in'.. So its gonna be a long queue la kan... FYI, pak ungku said thru his 'firasat' too, he said i akan bersalin by Monday (which is today la).. so I just leave it to GOD, Dia yg berkuasa atas segalanya...

Oooo yess almost lupa nak mention... I received a wonderful gift on the same day from... who else?? WN la.. :) Nak tahu hadiah nya..? xpela tak payah nk tunjuk kat sini.. Its a wrist bracelet, its beautiful anyway.. Its a token and symbol for a new beginning of our BIG FAMILY! Thanks & I love u dear!

So that's all for today... BTW, I got a contraction last nite at 2.45am.. then got it again by 3am.. and it stopped by 15-20minutes later.. Told WN about it, may be its just a false alarm... So now tgh tunggu kalau2 ada contraction lagi.. :) Just that everything will be fine. Tuhan akan takdirkan masa yg sesuai utk aku melahirkan zuriat ini... InsyaALLAH... Amin...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all waiting patiently for the "THE DAY".....insyaALLAH .....

OOwwwww how sweet...... Sweet BIL!;)