Friday, May 8, 2009

Confused mom & dad-to-be...

Salam all....

How shall I start??

Well I'm now 34weeks +4days in my pregnancy actually.. not 36weeks.. I went a thorough assessment at Ampang Hospital last nite.. Why did go to hospital?? WN & I was confused with both GP's findings at KK & private clinic' last Wednesday... Both have different views on my current baby's condition..

A bit upset with GP at KK.. Both doctor & nurse was so confident saying that my baby is in normal postion, meaning the baby's head has turned down, no more breach la.. I was wondering how come they are so sure with it without scanning it...?? Mula2 dengar, I bersyukurla... Maybe they were rite about it.. I told WN about it, so he immidiately suggested that we should go for a 2nd opinion...

We went to our favourite clinic at Bukit Indah just to make sure la.. As usual, the doctor did the ultrasound on me.. Surprisingly, the baby still BREECH position! The position still tak bergerak pon since 2 weeks ago... So how come the GP & nurse was so confident it has turned to a normal position?!? She said that my baby is already 35weeks++.. Different 'number' given from what the other GP said to me, whereby I'm still in my 34 weeks... Mana satu nak percaya ni..? The GP ta the private clininc advised us to get expert's advise from the hospital... Masa tu both of us tak terfikir pulak nak pegi hospital immidiately.. One more thing, from the last check up at the hospital, the Gynae ada mentioned to come back by 17th May to check on the baby's position.. Both of us pon decide to wait untill 17th May...

I was in dilemma... (wish i could have a better word).. Same goes with WN, I guess??

The next day, I received a call from WN for his workplace... He told me that one his cousin has advised us to go and get the expert's advise with my condition.. sebab still breech and da nak dekat with due date.. He asked me whether nak pegi terus tak hospital malam ni to get a clear advise?? I said why not kan??

By 7pm, WN reached home.. & went straight to Ampang Hospital.. Reached at ER, explained to the ER officer about my situation.. So he told me, he will check with the doctor in charge sebab I don't have the referral letter from the clinic stating my current condition.. After few minutes, the officer came back to us & said he will send us straight to Wad Bersalin for a further check up...

Lama sikit menunggu kali ni for the Gynae to come because the nurse told me that there is a serious case at the operation room... As usual the nurse asked me to past urine.. Kali ni she did CTG on me to check with my baby's condition for 20minutes.. The nurse told me, in my case, selalunya kalau baby still songsang doctor akan pursuade the parents to do the C-section, lagi2 la kalau 1st baby... Biasanya C-section will be held on the 37-38weeks of pregnancy..Biasalah to avoid further complications... Tapi, I kene jugak go through some stages before the c-section.. Most probably kalau my baby still kecik, they will try to rotate the baby ( susah nak sebut in the medical term, 'rotary...' something).. Kalau baby tak turn jugak, barula bedah..

Checked for WN at waiting room, told him the latest updates.. Asked him to pegi makan dulu... Nanti apa2 I inform him..

By 9pm.. The doctor came, alamak doktor lelaki.. kali ni bukan gynae... I think the nurse have already explained my condition before he came to see me.. He asked where did u get the ultrsound service?? So apa lagi, i buka la cerita from A-Z... He just smiled and said, " So u & husband confused la ni..?" He seems to understand with my 'dilemma'.. advised me not to worry too much.. He said something like this, "Its good that both of u decide to get opinion here immidiately, if I were the parents-to-be, I will do the same.." So he did the ultrasound scanning on me, he agreed that my baby still breech... Then, he said, he will refer my case to his boss to do another assesment on me and to advise the next step.. Few minutes , one lady doctor came, this one I x kenal.. Rupanya, its another Gynae.. The previous gynae was outstation... Very calm kind of person.. She read the maternal report from both GP.. She told me that she referring with private clinic's report.. and did another scanning with a different machine... She told me while doing this, she will know the baby's age, due date of delivery & etc.... Wish WN was there too...

Finally, both of them, confirmed that I'm 34weeks and 4 days in my pregnancy.. They confirmed it from the size of the baby's brain development and etc.. She advised to come back by 22nd May 2008, by then, my baby will be in her/his 36weeks ++.. Both of them explained what to expect on 22nd May.. Most probably, if the baby still in the same position, they will decide to attend C-section on me immidiately.. I tak terperanjat as I already expected it... :)

Lastly... they found out that I ada lagi infection, its just like previous infection... Thank God, dapat tahu... Both of them were quite upset, because they were wondering why does the KK's GP tak asses my condition secara terperinci.. Another thing is, they found out that I haven't done the MGTT test (test on my sugar level) for a second time.. Sepatutnya I should have done it by 30weeks in pregnancy.. I told them diorang tak cakap2 apa2 pon.. Terasa neglected sangat by KK's services... Both of them agak frust jugak to hear that.. Nasib baikla pegi hospital, kalau x, tak tahu apa nak jadi... Rasanya da malas nak buat check up at KK la lepas ni.. Harapkan pasal kene ada passport buku merah ni jela... :(

Almost 10pm... the doctor printed the discharge letter, medical report & gv prescription for my infection.. I can't do heavy exercises like house cleaning, cooking & etc anymore.. Kene dok relax kat rumah.. Advisable to have morning or evening walk, it will be less stress than house cleaning.. Both of them mentioning jangan lupa appointment 22nd May ni... Kali ni, husband buleh ikut sekali... I felt so much reliefed after seeing them..

I explained to WN with the doctor's advise... he seems reliefed too & so upset with KK's services.. Cuma date 22nd May ni dekat sgt with his next court hearing.. Both of us have to be extra-strongla..

Balik rumah.. both of us were so exhausted.. I cant sleep well, rasa sebu perut, maybe its the medicine's reaction kut.. Pagi ni barula OK..

Right now.. hanya berbekalkan doa & keredaan Allah swt.. Takdirkanlah jalan yang terbaik untuk aku & bakal anak aku.. InsyaALLAH.. Tuhan Maha Melindungi... :)

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