Friday, November 11, 2011

No.3 is coming.. InsyaAllah

I've been not so well lately.. KENAPA??



Urine test +ve.. 
Yes.. I'm pregnant again.. 3rd baby is coming next year... Mmg x prcaya, coz I'm on contraceptive pills, Diane35.. but kuasa Tuhan lagi hebat! WN was happy, tapi AKU?? Mula2 susah utk terima, tetapi lps WN mmberikan semangat, akhirnya terimalah seadanya.. Alhamdulilah, Tuhan lebih mengetahuinya.. My plan was nak jarakkan kandungan selepas my No.2 (EN), at least another year. She's only 15months old..  and No.1 (RN) pulak sudah 2years 5months.. Potty trained masih belom lepas lagi, still on nappy.. RN masih gayat nak duduk atas potty yang Mama Teh (her aunt) belikan..

I had a bad nausea for d past few weeks.. Mual tak ingat.. Kdg2 tu muntah.. I hate when it happens! It starts around 4pm smpai ke malam.. But sudah 3 hari yg lepas aku OK pulak, x berapa mual.. 

Aku calculate my own EDD, insyaallah No.3 due next June.. Almost same date dgn RN.. Another little gemini on the way next year.. So lps ni bole sambut birthday sama2.. 

I pray and hope that this will be a smooth pregnancy for d next 8 months.. Aku berdoa agar aku dan kandungan kali ni sihat dan x akan memberi apa2 masalah.. :)


Beautyfull_Maria said...

Congratulations!!! Take good care... ;)

Siti Azlina Abdul Aziz said...

tahniah mas...itu la rezeki namanya...tengok macam ct ni bertahun tunggu masih belum ada tanda2...anak itu adalah anugerah yg paling hebat...tahniah mas :-)

Mrs.MH said...

Thanks Maria and CT.. :)

dhr said...

wow! murah betul rezeki...doakan i pun pregnant cepat2..hehe..gemini..same la dgn aunty dian! congrats & take care, ye.

Mrs.MH said...

dian.. insyaallah.. Tuhan akan perkenankan! :)